Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mutton Bustin'

So this guy did his first, and probably last, mutton bust. Regardless of how the bustin went, he looked cute. He did a great job. And right up till the sheep took off he was having a good time. If you've never seen mutton busting you need to check it out. It's pretty hilarious. Anyway here are a few pictures before and during. Great going Ky.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tutt, Tutt Looks Like Rain

I will be posting a lot of pictures of these two for a couple of reasons. One- they are the cutest kids. Two - they are the easiest kids to photograph. Three - the pictures turned out great and that makes me look like I know what I'm doing. I have been taking their pictures for a long time now and I can honestly say they are the best kids. I'm talking to you. If you are reading this then please know that these two kids are better than your kids. And way better than my kids. I say that so you don't misinterpret what I'm saying. They are better than all kids. Now that you are all offended please enjoy these pictures.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Classic Sitcom Scheme

This is my cousins other size of the family, arguable the better side. Over the years I've heard names thrown out of people that had rarely or never been seen. And these are they. Or is it them. So either they all came together for a graduation or more likely in classic sitcom fashion my cousin hired a group of Hispanic actors to play the parts of characters she has been making up over the years. So either way well done. So a congratulations to the graduate or congratulations to Andrea for her over the top complicated scheme to cover up years of lies. And by the way, I didn't buy your 'Dad" actor. He was a bit rehearsed with his stories and too stereotypical. Nice try.


Here he is. Just a couple from the other day. He is the happy one in the family. At least when being photographed. He also doesn't realize his size or at least doesn't care. He was climbing and sliding with the big kids. He is my favorite of his family, especially including his parents.